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Alyssa Fiumano's ADV2b

Alyssa Fiumano has been awarded the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) and Professional Plan Consultant® (PPC®) designations from the Center for Fiduciary Studies™ (the Center), the standards-setting body for fi360. The AIF designation signifies specialized knowledge of fiduciary responsibility and the ability to implement policies and procedures that meet a defined standard of


The designation is the culmination of a rigorous training program, which includes a comprehensive, closed-book final examination under the supervision of a proctor, and agreement to abide by the Code of Ethics and Conduct Standards. On an ongoing basis, completion of continuing education and adherence to the Code of Ethics and Conduct Standards are required to maintain the AIF and PPC designations.

Based near Pittsburgh, Pa., fi360 is the first full-time training and research facility for fiduciaries and conducts training programs throughout the United States and abroad. The Center for Fiduciary Studies confers the AIF designation as well as the Professional Plan Consultant™ (PPC™) designations. The PPC designation signifies specialized training on retirement plan management and administration and ERISA compliance. 

The Center for Fiduciary Studies is the standards-setting body for Fi360 and is supported by a team of experienced investment practitioners, attorneys, educators, and other professionals. The Center for Fiduciary Studies develops and maintains the Prudent Practices™ defined in our handbooks and awards the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) and Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst® (AIFA®) professional designations. In addition, the Center is responsible for overseeing the body of knowledge that forms the basis for its curriculum, examinations, and certifying qualifications.